A Return to Writing
Sometime between my last return to writing on the internet and now something went wrong with the blackvoid site, I'm not sure why but I suspect that the security settings for my ISP changed in such a way that it broke the .NET platform I'd created to host it. So, I rewrote the software in such a way that the actual hosting element became even more primitive and the .NET element simply generated the raw HTML pages I intended on publishing. We'l see how this trial run goes.
My AWS learning proved very useful since it turned out my next contract made quite heavy use of AWS in what it did. I've been thinking about doing a bit more writing on two subjects in particular.
- Ethics in software development - I feel we've lost our way quite seriously in quite how commercial modern software has become.
- Politics - My last thoughts on politics were written in the midst of a Conservative government, that government has now been soundly defeated and a new Labour administration is now in place although it's only been in power for a small amount of time. It will be interesting to reflect on what I wrote in 2023 and compare it to how I feel now.